Global Security Management and Business Development

Our Primary Focus

Is on the provision of security management services and the reduction
of risk in foreign countries.

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We Are Well Positioned

To help our clients establish the relationships they need to begin or
expand their business in international markets.

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International Security

Industrial Security is similar to national or state security applied to the commercial sector. Included are measures to mitigate risk and protect commercial activities across the globe.

Oil and Gas Security

Our expertise, our proven capabilities in risk assessment and intelligence, logistics, end-to-end project management and integrated technology applications, all combine to provide comprehensive security solutions.

Security Management Consulting

Security Management Consulting services for corporate, industrial and government organizations. Our clients include industry leaders, as well as small to medium businesses.

How may we assist you and your company?

You are in the right place. View our projects, enjoy them, and contact us if we can help you.
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Management Team

Ray Rhodes is President of The Ramaro Group, Ltd. Ray has spent over forty years engaged in both U.S. Government and corporate security. His experience is extensive and has spanned the globe.

Security Services

The Ramaro Group, Ltd. has over 10 years of experience in security management, particularly in medium and high risk environments. We have focused much of our attention on the oil and gas industry and have become specialists in mitigating security risks.

International Business Development

The Ramaro Group, Ltd. has an extensive network of contacts developed during many years of living and working abroad as part of the international business and governmental community.


Recent security management projects have been undertaken in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and West Africa.

Operation Sinjar Mountain

Orchestrated the humanitarian evacuation of a large number Yazidi refugees from the town of Sinjar in northern Iraq following an offensive by the Islamic State which overran that location. The refugees were moved overland to a safe haven in Iraqi Kurdistan through Syria and Turkey. The operation required the simultaneous coordination of multinational governmental and […]


Developed and managed the infrastructure and logistics plans for a U.S. Fortune 100 international oil company to conduct major oil exploration activities in the far eastern reaches of the Sahara Desert region of Niger. The initial project included the green field establishment of a venture office, the shooting of hundreds of miles of seismic, and […]


Created and operated the security infrastructure for a U.S. Fortune 500 Oil Company engaged in exploration and development activities in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region (KAR). Also developed all of the security related policies, plans and procedures for the company. Included were plans for the emergency evacuation of the expatriate staff, protection of field operations, protection […]


Developed and managed the security program for a U.S. Fortune 100 international oil company that was producing and transporting natural gas and converting it into Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in a remote province of Indonesia. Production facilities were both on and off shore. At the time, this area was the site of the longest running […]

Why Choose Us

Because of our extensive security management services and worldwide networks, we also focus on international business development. We are well positioned to help our clients establish the relationships they need to begin or expand their business in international markets. Our capabilities in Northeast, Southeast, and South Asia are particularly strong.

The Ramaro Group, Ltd. include professionals with extensive domestic and international security and business experience. All associates have lived and worked abroad for many years. Most have advanced degrees in relevant disciplines, possess requisite credentials, and speak the languages of the regions in which they operate.

Our growing list of satisfied clients is testimony to our proven track record and our reputation for integrity and honesty.

Who we are

Global Security Management and Business Development

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, The Ramaro Group, Ltd. is a global security management and international business development company. Our primary focus is on the provision of security management services and the reduction of client risk in foreign countries.

International Security, Oil and Gas Security, and Security Management Consulting are our primary areas of expertise.

During the past 20 years we have focused much of our attention on the oil and gas industry and have become specialists in mitigating security risks for our clients in greenfield areas.

Our Clients
